After a small hiatus from the Midnight Logic, I have decided to come back with a Raw Review...But not a regular review, im only gonna cover stuff i actually gave a shit about.
I'm not like most reviewers where i will come on and give a star rating to a match or tell you what they did wrong in a match, thats not my business, performers are in high pressure situations and shit happens. What i will review is the writing on the show, because direction is dictated by the writers and not the performers...Unfortunate, but thats the way it will stay. So let me make 3 Points about Raw for those of whom paying attention.
01. R-Truth's Conspiracy Angle
Many people will see this as a way to get John Cena some fodder to hold him over for a year till he wrestles the Rock at Wrestlemania 28, but at this point in the game, they need to show something for their investment, and the WWE has invested alot of money in R-Truth over the years. Will he become the champion? probably not...but dont put it past them. A Run with the title, 10 minutes or 10 Months, can make you a star...Look at christian. He was the champion for a cup of coffee and the internet fans were outraged that they fucked Christian out of his chance. Anyone who thinks that is a Mark..and they got you good. Personally i think Christian is Boring, never was a fan, but i can't take away the fact that he is a decent performer and creative...Just not my cup of tea. Christian got his moment and once the moment was over, that's all it needed to be. Until all of this went Down Christian was floundering, holding up the mid card, doing nothing of true interest. Losing the title the way he did, has kept him relevant because now everyone will be waiting and watching him to see when he will get his shot again. WWE: 1 Marks: 0....and that's just One Mark's Opinion :-)
02. If Tim Fury had a chance in the business...Alex Riley took it
Alex Riley has turned babyface by attacking The Miz the way he did, and the crowd ate it up and loved it. The WWE has officially launched Riley into a spot where his future depends on him. If he can keep up the intensity he will stay over. Tim Fury, a Local wrestler from Massachusetts, was always told that he could become something if he got bigger, or if he worked more, or any number of things that he didn't do, which is why he will go down in wrestling circles as wasted potential and a theif. Riley and Fury have a similar build, similar look, and both got red hot reactions from the crowds they worked in front of when they were both babyfaces. But if Tim ever wanted to get back in the business, he would always be compared to Alex Riley from here on in. Too Late, but i don't think whatever rock he lives under now gets USA
and Finally
03. Kharma being Written off TV
Word got out that Kharma got knocked up. The Internet Community makes up a very small ammount of the WWE Audience. But the WWE writers decided to go with a shoot...and for that i applaud them. They could have had Kharma come out and ask out Kelly Kelly and get denied and have her sulk and leave for a year, they could have also had Triple H come out and Pedigree her for reminding him of Chyna, but the writers did the right thing. Not only that, but whenever she came out, the crowd would go nuts, regardless of how she was booked...which was seemingly as a heel destroying all the divas. That had her come out and speak from the heart, like a babyface, and she won over the crowd...she probably won over the crowd a long time ago for her hard work in the business. But she came out, spoke from the heart, and told everyone the truth...and then said she would return, and the reaction she got made her return in a year very special. When the Bellas came out and made themselves targets...It was done right, they made them look like cunts...but the response Kharma gave to them was also a shoot. Paraphrasing she basically said "If you two still have a job in a year, im gonna eat you motherfuckers"...Which is funny because those girls are terrible and there is a chance they wont be employed next year. But at the end of the day they didnt waste Beth Phoenix vs Awesome Kong as her first feud and thats what matters to me.
And that's just one mark's opinion, thank you and goodnight
Todd Graham
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Will the WWE follow up with Alex Riley?
I was impressed with the brawl between Alex Riley and The Miz. Every aspect from beginning to end was very well executed with intensity we don see anymore. Both men played their parts well. In my opinion, it is the most well executed angle in the WWE since the Nexus formation in June of last year. WWE starts most things strong, but their follow up is the drizzling shits. I hope I'm wrong this time, but I doubt it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Macho Man Promo - Wrestlemania 8
Fast forward to the 3:05 mark. Awesome promo by Savage. They are not done like this anymore.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Macho Man Randy Savage 1952 - 2011

"In our culture, when a pro wrestler dies, it's the equivalent as a super hero dying." Unknown
Sunday August 28, 1988 was the first time Randy Savage entered my life. I was 7 years old, channel surfing, looking for something to watch on TV. I landed on channel WLVI 56, and these two larger than life individuals who called themselves the “Mega Powers” told me about the dastardly deeds perpetrated by the Million Dollar Man and Andre The Giant. Savage went on to tell me that the power of Hulk-a-Mania and Macho Madness would Bankrupt the Mega Bucks at Summerslam 88 tomorrow night. I did not have cable, but my next door neighbor Billy did. I was unable to watch it live since Billy's mother would not let him have friends over. Served me right! I shunned his attempt to get me into wrestling when he invited me over for Wrestlemania IV five months earlier. He promised to bring over the tape over the next day since my Mother babysat him. When Billy arrived at my door step there was no VHS in his possession. I asked him where the tape was, and he said, "My mom said I can't bring it over until tomorrow." I was mad. I yelled at him like no 8 year old should ever yell at anyone and I told him he could not come in and slammed the door in his face. Ten seconds later I realized that my Mom was watching him and he was locked out of his house and let him in. The next day, Billy brought the tape on my 8th birthday and I was hooked for life.
Wrestling is a business where the words legend and icon are thrown around loosely. Both ring true for Randy Savage. He could talk and he could work and he did both of them like no other. Savage was Mr. Wrestlemania long before HBK took the mantel. His match with Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania III is considered the greatest of all time. His journey through 4 men in one night to win the WWF title Wrestlemania IV is the stuff legends are made of. His turn down the dark path against his best friend Hulk Hogan culminated with an epic encounter at Wrestlemania V. The build up leading to the match is considered story telling at it's finest. His retirement match with the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VII was not only the best match on the card, but it was the feel good moment of the year. He did the impossible and pulled a great match out of the Warrior. In defeat, he reunited with Miss. Elizabeth after she saved him from a vicious attack by Queen Sheri. Savage stole the show, again, at Wrestlemania VIII when he defeated Ric Flair to win his second WWF title while defending Elizabeth’s honor. In WCW he captured his first of four world titles when he won the inaugural World War 3 Battle Royal. As a member of the NWO, he helped elevate Diamond Dallas Page to main event status when he put him over at the 1997 Spring Stampede.
His death has hit me harder than most. I feel as if a piece of my childhood has died. There will always be more Star Wars movies and He-Man adventures. There will never be another Randy Savage. He was a real life super hero to me. I learned to appreciate him even more when I was training to become a wrestler. His matches in the ring were awe inspiring. His promos captivated my imagination. It’s funny how we don’t appreciate anything until it’s gone. In the end, maybe we can learn something from this. The bi-product of a super hero is to open our eyes to something greater than ourselves. He managed to open our eyes one more time as the world has lost a Macho Man.
***I wanted to post a comment on my article in regards to the passing of Randy Savage***
From Thomas
"Unfortunately, I had to watch all the older footage of Randy Savage later because I didn't fully become a fan again until 2003 but, man, this is hard to type, some of my favorite Macho Man moments were just the guy was an incredible wrestler. His promos were second to none and his style and personality will be duplicated but never to the level he was on. His death hit me as hard as Eddie Guerrero's did. I miss them both. But... I guess Heaven needs champions, too."
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
A detailed look a New Japan's New York show
New Japan Pro Wrestling invaded New York City for the second night of their tour this past Saturday. The evening’s battle ground is known as Basketball City and is really just a large abandoned warehouse. The attendance was announced at approximately 1,200 people. These shows might have been a once in a lifetime opportunity for fans to see their favorite NJPW stars live in person. Hopefully, the shows were perceived as being good enough so they will come back in the future.
I obtained a gold ticket which gave us fans the option to attend an exclusive meet and greet scheduled to start at 5:30 pm. Due to issues with the fire code, we were not allowed in until 6:30 p.m. I walked in the building and was greeted by a line of wrestlers from New Japan and three little girls holding donation boxes to support the relief efforts back home. To my right was the merchandise table full of NJPW merchandise. They accepted debit and credit card for payment, which I really appreciated, and is rare to see. The most popular item at the merchandise table was a NJPW Backpack with two DVD’s and a New Japan T-Shirt inside for $20.00. I was a little bummed to find out fans in New York were not treated to the commemorative ticket and DVD gift like the New Jersey and Philadelphia fans were. I spoke to a very nice gentleman from Jersey All Pro who hooked me up with the DVD gift that contains some great matches involving wrestlers on the tour.
The meet and greet had a great set up. The wrestlers came out in groups of four every half-hour to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans. The wrestlers who were part of the meet and greet were Kenny Omega, Jado and Gedo, Giant Bernard, Karl Anderson (who was letting fans hold his title belt while they took pictures) Rhino, Kazuchika Okada, Ryusuke Taguchi, Tetsuya Naito, Hideo Saito, Yujiro Takahashi, and Shinsuke Nakamura. I’m not sure if Nakamura meant to come out for the meet and greet as a bunch of fans just ran over to him as soon as they saw him.
In true indy fashion, the show started at 8:20 pm instead of the advertised 8:00 pm bell time. The ring used was an American style ring with a red canvas with black ropes instead of the ring they use in Japan with the long padding in each corner instead of turnbuckles. The wrestlers were announced in the ring as being in the blue corner or red corner with the appropriate color towel in each corner. Wrestlers had to the count of 20 to get back into the ring which is normal for matches in New Japan. The show opened with the singing of the national anthem. After dealing with some technical difficulties with his microphone, ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis introduced the first match of the evening.
1. Kenny Omega defeated Josh Daniels with a roll-up into a bridge after hitting the electric chair. I have heard a lot about Omega and this was my first time seeing either of them in the ring. There were a lot of stiff chops in this one. The fans in my area were disappointed because the match did not involve New Japan talent, however, both men worked very hard to provide a great match.
2. Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Tiger Mask IV, & Dan Maff defeated Shinsuke Nakamura, Gedo & Jado when Tiger Mask delivered a jumping tombstone piledrived to Jado followed by a German Suplex: The place exploded the moment Liger's entrance music started but Nakamura had his fans as well. This match had the fans into it from beginning to end. It was cool to see Liger and Gedo in the ring together for a little bit considering they were in the finals on the 1995 J-Cup. When I saw that Dan Maff was going to be in this match I thought "one of these things is not like the others". In the end, I believe Maff held his own and added to this match in a positive way.
3. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson defeated Satoshi Kojima & Hideo Saito in a non-title match when Bernard pinned Saito with the Bernard driver (sitdown tombstone): It was great to see Giant Bernard in the ring since his WWE run. Anderson was over with the fans who were shouting tons of "Bad Intentions" chants, but Kojima was over with the fans as well. I never knew he was such a great heel. He has great facials when he was backing away from Bernard during the hot tag.
4. Rhino & Davey Richards & Homicide defeated Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi & Kazuchika Okada when Rhino pinned Taguchi with the Gore. Richards was pretty over with the crowd. It was fun to see Okada in his element instead of TNA. This was a fun match with nothing to complain about.
The longest "brief" intermission of all time occurred as Jersey All Pro and New Japan were making money hand over fist with food and merchandise tables. Fans didn't seem to mind since the lines to the port-a-potties were long at times. Fans were able to get Polaroids in the ring with Liger and Tiger Mask for $15.00 a pop. The line was insane for this, and understandably so. I have run shows with the same Polaroid set up and the promoter in me is curious to find out how much they made! Charlie Hass, Karl Anderson, and Giant Bernard were out on the floor, talking to fans. Hass appeared to be really approachable.
5. Prince Devitt over Low-Ki with the Bloody Sunday to retain the IWGP Jr Heavyweight title: This was the match of the night. This match had bell-to-bell action and the fans loved every second. The dueling chants of “let’s go Low-Ki” and “Let’s go Devitt” were deafening. Ki and Devitt hugged and shook hands at the end as they were received by thunderous applause.
6. Yoru Yano defeated Yujiro Takahashi via pinfall, advancing to the finals of the Intercontinental title tournament. In my opinion, this was the weakest match on the card. It was nothing to complain about by any means. Yano is a punch, kick, and get heat type of worker as opposed to someone who is going to impress you with chain wrestling or innovative moves. Before his match he got on the mic and said “New York sucks” which the fans enjoyed considering who he is. The finish came when Yano slammed Takahashi after throwing him into a chair that was wedged in the corner.
7. MVP defeated Tetsuya Naito by submission after hitting the Playmaker and then put a submission move on Naito for the tap out. Yoru Yano came out after the match and laid out MVP with an umbrella to set up their match the next night to determine the first IWGP Intercontinental champion. It was interesting to watch MVP wrestle a long match instead of the 5 minute matches on Raw and Smackdown. He seems to have adapted well and will only get better. Naito took the microphone and yelled “I love New York ” in order to gain some fan support.
8. Hiroshi Tanahashi pinned Charlie Hass to retain the IWGP Heavyweight title with the High Fly Low (Frog Splash). Some of the people I spoke with felt this was better than Ki vs. Devitt. It was a great match no matter how you slice it. I was wondering if the fans would get into this match since we all knew Hass was not going to win the title. Hass got the majority of the offense which I found interesting. After some near falls, Hass used the Angle Slam followed by the Hass of Pain. Tanahashi sold it as if he might tap out which I thought was great. The sequence of moves going into the Hass of Pain along with the amount of offense he had made you think Hass might actually win the title and drop it the next night in Philly. This was solid booking all around.
It was refreshing to watch a show where wrestling really matters because it is what those of us who were in attendance find entertaining. Every match was fun to watch and the atmosphere in the building was electric. I had some minor complaints as well, but the good extremely outweighs the bad. I haven’t had this much fun at a wrestling show in a long time. It was truly an experience I will never forget.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
NYC New Japan Show
It is 3:00am as I type this. I'm sitting next to a sleeping Ryan Andrews on a train heading for Boston. I had a great time at the New Japan show. I would rate the overall experience an 8. The show itself was excellent. The organization of the event could have been a little better. I'm not sure if that was the fault of New Japan or Jersey All Pro. I will go into it in great detail later today.
Prince Devitt vs. Low-Ki stole the show. Fans had high expectations of this match going in. These two exceed expectations. Both men should be proud of the match they put on. Eyes are getting heavy. Gonna sleep now. More to come soon.
Monday, May 9, 2011
EPW's Fine Farewell
-After six wonderful years, Eastern Pro Wrestling says goodbye at the Westerly Armory.
EPW Wrestling
Railroad Ave
Westerly, RI
Saturday, May 14, 7:00 pm
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Double Main Event:
Both men retire from wrestling, win or lose.
"Rocket" Fred Curry, Jr. vs. "Revolution" Chris Venom
The Final Defense of the EPW Heavyweight Title
Champion Owen Graichen vs. ROH Superstar "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett
ROH Star "Brutal" Bob Evans takes on heated rival Vinny Marseglia
Other great matches and surprises to be announced soon!
Plus! Kongo, Nick Westgate, B.K. Jordan, Rocco Abruzzi, Steven "The Turtle" Weiner, "Trouble Walkin" Thom Kane, Anthony Pacitto, and many more!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Changing Names won't IMPACT TNA's Product
by Ryan Andrews/Shane Daly
As of May 12th, TNA will become Impact Wrestling. Apparently, the higher-ups think that a rebranding will breathe new life into their product and attract wrestling fans that feel WWE is moving away from its core product by shortening their name (and in doing so, dropping the word “Wrestling”). Unfortunately for TNA, I feel that their product will remain the same thanks to their writers (specifically Vince Russo), their ignorant-to-the-business-owner (Dixie Carter), and of course their over-the-hill your-prime-ENDED-over-a-decade-ago talents (starting with Hulk Hogan, and of course the list could go on forever).
Now, before I go on bashing TNA and delving deeper into my reasoning for why they will continue to fail despite a name change, let me mention the ONE reason their name change may SLIGHTLY increase viewership. TNA. T-N-A. T N A. T and A. Yup, that’s what their current name sounds like to not just me, but many others. T and A of course is not only the name of former tag team Test and Albert, it’s also a reference to “Tits and Ass”. If I were a man with deep religious beliefs or very strong morals, I would never ever EVER watch a show with such a dirty name. I mean, if the name’s dirty, the show itself must be a disgusting, filth-ridden, testament to pimps and their brothel of whores. In changing the name, maybe Sting *cough* I mean, people with strong religious and moral beliefs will finally allow their family to watch the program.
Now, on to my favorite part of this article, tearing down TNA.
TNA or Impact Wrestling as it will soon be known, will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Writers. If anything will kill a wrestling company quicker than obscenity charges and an ensuing trial, that thing must go by the name Vince Russo. For some reason, Dixie Carter has unwavering faith in the man who cost WCW $60,000,000.00 in its last full year. Over the years, Vince Russo treated us to some of the dumbest storylines in WCW (including Stacy Keibler’s pregnancy angle, 3 Count - the boy band that never once produced a legitimate album but somehow went platinum, and the worst angle ever, the one that led to David Arquette winning, and therefore devaluing the legitimacy of, the WCW World Title). He’s certainly doing the business a disservice by continuing to work in the industry. In just the last few years in TNA, he dragged a legend and WWE Hall of Famer’s word through the mud when he wrote the Nature Boy’s path back in to the ring after Ric had told Shawn Michaels that he was really retiring. I am sure that he is the man that has kept Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Angle/Jarrett (whatever last name she goes by now) in this ridiculous love triangle for nearly the last two years. And really, can someone tell me who (in the storyline) is in charge of TNA nowadays. Is it Dixie? Is it Jeff? Is it Flair? Is it Hogan?.... Fuck, is it Mick Foley??!? (And before he actually comments, I’m certain columnist Todd Graham could answer all of those questions for me. I know he watches that God-awful show)
Impact Wrestling will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Owner. I’ll keep this short. Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWE, knows how to produce wrestling. Even if he doesn’t want to acknowledge that that’s what it is, or even if he wants to call it “Entertainment”, what Vince is producing is wrestling. Dixie Carter, owner of TNA/Impact Wrestling, doesn’t. What Dixie and her band of misfit writers are producing is called a three-ring circus where the ring leader changes on a weekly basis, the sword-swallower can barely handle pocket-knives, and the multitude of clowns can’t figure out how to stuff all of them selves into the clown car.
Impact Wrestling will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Talent. Or should I say, lack thereof? TNA continues to hire stars of yesteryear at the expense of their younger, more mobile talent. Despite what he’s brainwashed Dixie into believing, TNA does not NEED Hulk Hogan. Hogan’s prime was over a decade ago. Heck, he was considered somewhat of a nostalgia act in 2002 when he fought The Rock at Wrestlemania X8. Then there’s Scott Steiner. The most mobile I’ve seen that man since WCW was when he rode a pogo stick during a match with (I believe) Jeff Jarrett. On May 12th, the same day that TNA becomes Impact Wrestling, Chyna is going to be revealed as Kurt Angle’s mistress. The last I heard of her she was doing lines of coke off a midget’s ass somewhere outside of Las Vegas. Honestly, I haven’t been able to take her serious since she got knocked out by Joey Buttafuocco. Going back to Kurt Angle…. isn’t he supposed to be dead by now? I could keep going about how all TNA does is hire WWE rejects, but how about I focus on some of the bright young stars that TNA is producing… and going to fuck over in favor of a dinosaur, drug addict, or aforementioned WWE rejects.
AJ Styles – No name says TNA more than the man who’s been there since the beginning. Styles is repeatedly built up to be a star. Then repeatedly knocked down. Styles has gone from TNA Champion (at the time NWA Champion) to Kurt Angle’s bitch in the past and now that he’s riding high as the top man in Fortune, I get the feeling that he’s about to get knocked down a few pegs. I wonder how he’d feel about being Bully Ray’s bitch?
Christopher Daniels – Before TNA began regularly signing WWE discarded talent, Daniels was one of the 3 top guys in the company along with Styles and that waste of a Samoan heritage, Samoa Joe. As soon as bigger names were brought in Daniels became an afterthought to the higher-ups. And then, they let him go!! One of their few talents actually worth watching and they let him go. Recently he returned to TNA and along with Styles is feuding with Immortal, but I doubt it will be long before he is once again relegated to the mid-card.
Jay Lethal – Jay Lethal was on a role in the final years of the last decade. He was working the “Black Machismo” gimmick and was surprisingly over. He cleanly pinned Kurt Angle for his second X-Division Championship and just last year had a match with Ric Flair in which the Nature Boy put the rising star over. Which brings me to what Lethal is doing for TNA now… nothing. They recently released him. Yeah, I guess he was TOO over.
To sum it all up - TNA or Impact Wrestling, the name doesn’t matter. The product will continue to fail as long as Dixie and the writers continue to push the same ol’, same ol’ and try to pass it off as new and exciting.
Now, before I go on bashing TNA and delving deeper into my reasoning for why they will continue to fail despite a name change, let me mention the ONE reason their name change may SLIGHTLY increase viewership. TNA. T-N-A. T N A. T and A. Yup, that’s what their current name sounds like to not just me, but many others. T and A of course is not only the name of former tag team Test and Albert, it’s also a reference to “Tits and Ass”. If I were a man with deep religious beliefs or very strong morals, I would never ever EVER watch a show with such a dirty name. I mean, if the name’s dirty, the show itself must be a disgusting, filth-ridden, testament to pimps and their brothel of whores. In changing the name, maybe Sting *cough* I mean, people with strong religious and moral beliefs will finally allow their family to watch the program.
Now, on to my favorite part of this article, tearing down TNA.
TNA or Impact Wrestling as it will soon be known, will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Writers. If anything will kill a wrestling company quicker than obscenity charges and an ensuing trial, that thing must go by the name Vince Russo. For some reason, Dixie Carter has unwavering faith in the man who cost WCW $60,000,000.00 in its last full year. Over the years, Vince Russo treated us to some of the dumbest storylines in WCW (including Stacy Keibler’s pregnancy angle, 3 Count - the boy band that never once produced a legitimate album but somehow went platinum, and the worst angle ever, the one that led to David Arquette winning, and therefore devaluing the legitimacy of, the WCW World Title). He’s certainly doing the business a disservice by continuing to work in the industry. In just the last few years in TNA, he dragged a legend and WWE Hall of Famer’s word through the mud when he wrote the Nature Boy’s path back in to the ring after Ric had told Shawn Michaels that he was really retiring. I am sure that he is the man that has kept Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Angle/Jarrett (whatever last name she goes by now) in this ridiculous love triangle for nearly the last two years. And really, can someone tell me who (in the storyline) is in charge of TNA nowadays. Is it Dixie? Is it Jeff? Is it Flair? Is it Hogan?.... Fuck, is it Mick Foley??!? (And before he actually comments, I’m certain columnist Todd Graham could answer all of those questions for me. I know he watches that God-awful show)
Impact Wrestling will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Owner. I’ll keep this short. Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWE, knows how to produce wrestling. Even if he doesn’t want to acknowledge that that’s what it is, or even if he wants to call it “Entertainment”, what Vince is producing is wrestling. Dixie Carter, owner of TNA/Impact Wrestling, doesn’t. What Dixie and her band of misfit writers are producing is called a three-ring circus where the ring leader changes on a weekly basis, the sword-swallower can barely handle pocket-knives, and the multitude of clowns can’t figure out how to stuff all of them selves into the clown car.
Impact Wrestling will continue to fail despite the rebranding because of: The Talent. Or should I say, lack thereof? TNA continues to hire stars of yesteryear at the expense of their younger, more mobile talent. Despite what he’s brainwashed Dixie into believing, TNA does not NEED Hulk Hogan. Hogan’s prime was over a decade ago. Heck, he was considered somewhat of a nostalgia act in 2002 when he fought The Rock at Wrestlemania X8. Then there’s Scott Steiner. The most mobile I’ve seen that man since WCW was when he rode a pogo stick during a match with (I believe) Jeff Jarrett. On May 12th, the same day that TNA becomes Impact Wrestling, Chyna is going to be revealed as Kurt Angle’s mistress. The last I heard of her she was doing lines of coke off a midget’s ass somewhere outside of Las Vegas. Honestly, I haven’t been able to take her serious since she got knocked out by Joey Buttafuocco. Going back to Kurt Angle…. isn’t he supposed to be dead by now? I could keep going about how all TNA does is hire WWE rejects, but how about I focus on some of the bright young stars that TNA is producing… and going to fuck over in favor of a dinosaur, drug addict, or aforementioned WWE rejects.
AJ Styles – No name says TNA more than the man who’s been there since the beginning. Styles is repeatedly built up to be a star. Then repeatedly knocked down. Styles has gone from TNA Champion (at the time NWA Champion) to Kurt Angle’s bitch in the past and now that he’s riding high as the top man in Fortune, I get the feeling that he’s about to get knocked down a few pegs. I wonder how he’d feel about being Bully Ray’s bitch?
Christopher Daniels – Before TNA began regularly signing WWE discarded talent, Daniels was one of the 3 top guys in the company along with Styles and that waste of a Samoan heritage, Samoa Joe. As soon as bigger names were brought in Daniels became an afterthought to the higher-ups. And then, they let him go!! One of their few talents actually worth watching and they let him go. Recently he returned to TNA and along with Styles is feuding with Immortal, but I doubt it will be long before he is once again relegated to the mid-card.
Jay Lethal – Jay Lethal was on a role in the final years of the last decade. He was working the “Black Machismo” gimmick and was surprisingly over. He cleanly pinned Kurt Angle for his second X-Division Championship and just last year had a match with Ric Flair in which the Nature Boy put the rising star over. Which brings me to what Lethal is doing for TNA now… nothing. They recently released him. Yeah, I guess he was TOO over.
To sum it all up - TNA or Impact Wrestling, the name doesn’t matter. The product will continue to fail as long as Dixie and the writers continue to push the same ol’, same ol’ and try to pass it off as new and exciting.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Indy Focus: Referee Tony S
Indy Focus: Referee Tony S
Height: 6’2”
Age: 25
Hometown: Worcester, MA
Trained by: “Kidd U.S.A.” Jay Jaillet, “The Widowmaker” Eric Shred and Freightrain
Promotions: Alliance Championship Wrestling (ACW), American Grand Prix Wrestling (AGPW), Atlas Championship Wrestling (ACW), Chaotic Wrestling (CW), Dragon Gate USA (DGUSA), East Coast Championship Wrestling (ECCW), Eastern Pro Wrestling (EPW), Millennium Wrestling Federation (MWF), New England Championship Wrestling (NECW), New World Wrestling (NWW), New Wrestling Horizons (NWH), North End Promotions (NEP), North Shore Wrestling (NSW), Northeast Championship Wrestling (NCW), Power Wrestling Federation (PWF), Powerhouse Wrestling (PHW), Ring Of Honor (ROH), (Top Rope Promotions), Showcase Pro Wrestling (SPW), Top Rope Promotions (TRP), Universal Championship Wrestling (UCW), Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU), World Wrestling Alliance (WWA)
Q: When did you become a wrestling fan and how?
TS: I became a wrestling fan at the age of 7: I went to a nearby convenience store with my grandmother and looked at a WWF Magazine with Hulk Hogan on the cover holding the WWF Championship for the fifth time. I had never seen or even heard of professional wrestling up until that point, and since that day, I have been a fan of the industry.
Q: Did you attend wrestling shows when you were a kid?
TS: I attended wrestling shows quite often. Over a decade ago, The Centrum (now DCU Center) was a hotbed arena for wrestling events and whenever any of the three major promotions came into town, I was there as well.
Q: Who were your favorites growing up?
TS: Bret Hart, Christian, Edge, Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig), Ravishing Rick Rude, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker and Triple H, just to name a few. As I began to learn more about the industry, I began to respect more great competitors.
Q: What is your favorite wrestling match?
TS: I have a lot of favorite wrestling matches, but two matches stand out for me, Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat from WrestleMania III and the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Iron Man Match from WrestleMania XII. Those matches always stood out to me as matches that tested the endurance of not only the two athletes, but the in-ring official as well, and as I got older and broke into the business, I wanted to call either a grueling and enduring championship match and/or an hour-long Broadway. Since my inception and a referee, there have been a lot of matches that I have done that can go on the list as my favorites, too many to mention.
Q: What is your favorite wrestling event?
TS: There have been a lot of great events in this sports’ history, but for me, it has to be WrestleMania VII. Under the circumstances of which the event was surrounded by, in my opinion, it was one of the first events to successfully incorporate real-world surroundings in pro wrestling, and everything about that event from start to finish made it one to remember.
Q: First impressions of the business when you started training?
TS: When I first started training, I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy and I didn’t want it to be; I also knew that if I really wanted to be in this industry, I would have to show the pros how much I wanted the opportunity to be in this sport. From the first day in, it has been nothing but a learning experience and I’ve been grateful for every second of it.
Q: How has life been on the Independent scene?
TS: Life on the independent wrestling scene has been one hell of a ride thus far. Over the past five years, I have been able to accomplish goals that I never even believed that I would do. More than anything else, I have learned that the competitors competing on the independent scene today deserve just as much recognition and respect as those in the major organizations. I’m extremely blessed, grateful and proud to be a professional wrestling referee and I’m looking forward to the next chapters of my officiating career.
Q: Who are some of the notable names you have worked with?
TS: Abyss, Al Snow, Awesome Kong, Chris Sabin, Christian (Cage), Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson), Homicide, Iron Sheik (His Final Match), Jay Lethal, Jerry “The King” Lawler, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, “Mr. Kennedy” Ken Anderson, Killer Kowalski, Mercedes Martinez, Nikki Roxx, ODB, Samoa Joe, Shelton Benjamin, Simon Diamond, and many others, as well as the numerous top talents in the independent wrestling circuit today.
Q: Do you believe Kayfabe is dead?
TS: I don’t believe that Kayfabe is dead but I do believe that the overexposure of the industry hurts its credibility a great deal. Sure, people need to know the “who’s, where’s, what’s and why’s” about the industry to an extent, but the inner workings of how it operates and the actions going on behind the scenes including what happens in the athlete’s private lives, do not need to be known by the general public.
Q: Any TV/Media appearances:
TS: A television appearance on MTV’s “True Life: I’m Jealous of My Sibling” (featuring the Alden Brothers), two television appearances on “Wrestling Spotlight” (Fall River, MA), a radio interview on CHMR’s “Ring Rust” (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada) and a feature article in Worcester’s Pulse Magazine.
Q: What are your future plans?
TS: My future plans mainly consist of perfecting my craft as an in-ring official. My long-term plans of course are to officiate in one of wrestling’s major organizations, but I’ll never achieve that goal unless I gradually improve my abilities as a referee. I have achieved a great deal in the past five years and I look forward to achieving more in 2011 and beyond.
Q: Are there any other states or countries you are looking to work in 2011 or the future?
TS: Absolutely! It would be an honor to take my talents across the country and all over the world and showcase them in front of enthusiastic crowds and when that time comes, I’ll be more than ready to accept the challenge.
Q: Are there any crazy ref bumps you have had to take and is there one that sticks out?
TS: Due to my height, I haven’t had to take too many crazy ref bumps that I had to take, but there has been one that definitely sticks out in my mind, for sure. It was October of 2006 for New World Wrestling. I was officiating a match between Rick Fuller and “The Widowmaker” Eric Shred. Near the end of the match, Shred attacks me while my back is turned and Fuller capitalizes by chokeslamming “The Widowmaker” and another referee comes down and counts the pin. I regain my composure and tell the second official that I was knocked down by Eric Shred before Fuller won the match; I ended up awarding the match to Fuller via disqualification which led to Shred retaining the NWW United States Championship…let’s just say that Rick Fuller didn’t take kindly to me changing the decision, so he ends up chokeslamming me after the match.
Q: In your opinion, who are some of the names in New England wrestling fans need to look out for?
TS: If you take a look at the New England independent wrestling landscape, there are a lot of competitors right now that are making the wrestling world stand up and take notice. For example, “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett and Tommaso Ciampa: ROH competitors. Eddie Edwards: ROH World Champion. Veterans like “Brutal” Bob Evans, Brian Milonas, Handsome Johnny, “Hurricane” John Walters and Slyck Wagner Brown. Up and coming stars like Elia Markopoulos, J. Freddie, Julian Starr, Matt Magnum, Matt Taven, Scott Reed, Vinny Marseglia and many others. The bottom line is that ANY competitor in the northeast scene can be the next breakout star of tomorrow! So I encourage you to go out and support your favorite New England independent wrestling promotion.
Q: What is your opinion on the WWE no longer wanted to be known as a wrestling company?
TS: To me, the WWE will always be known as a wrestling organization. I have no problem with breaking out into mainstream media, such as music, movies, books, television shows, etc., but to me, the personalities that are magnified inside those ropes that made millions of fans all over the world and even turned some lucky fans into people that are lucky enough to be in this industry; it was the professional wrestling and its athleticism that made it a household name and to me, no matter the name, it will always be a wrestling company.
Q: Take us through your experience working with Ring of Honor?
TS: I had the opportunity to officiate on two occasions for Ring Of Honor back in April 2008 (Boston, MA) and October 2008 (Danbury, CT) and it was definitely a pair of learning experiences that I still take to this day. It was one of my first opportunities to prove to myself that I can hold my own on a big stage such as ROH. People like Bobby Cruise, Gabe Sapolsky, Paul Turner, Todd Sinclair as well as all of the ROH competitors and staff passed along some great advice to help me prepare to get to that next level.
Q: Where can we see you next?
TS: Eastern Pro Wrestling in Westerly, RI on May 14, Chaotic Wrestling in Woburn, MA on May 20, and in Bridgeport, CT for MWF’s Night Of Champions on June 4.
- If you want to learn more about Tony S, or if any promoters are interested in booking him, you can contact him through his web site.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Look at the Landscape with Todd Graham
In this first installment of "A Look at the Landscape", I will spit out random thoughts about the recent going's on in the World of Wrestling.
Tonight my thoughts are purely WWE related coming off of "Extreme Rules" and an episode of "Monday Night Raw"
Let the Running off at the mouth begin...
- As Predicted the Status Quo has been upheld with Kofi Kingston's winning of the United States title from Sheamus bringing the title back to Raw, and Christian defeating recently drafted to Raw, Alberto Del Rio.
- Christian's World Title win finally grants him the distinction that no other wrestler in the WWE holds, 6 Star Champion. Alot of people are familiar with "The Triple Crown" or "The Grandslam" when it comes to multiple title holders, but Christian is in a class all to his own having been WWE Light Weight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, WWE European Champion, WWE Intercontinental Champion, WWE Hardcore Champion, and Now has possessed a WWE Recognized World Title (This of course does not count the TNA World Title because...What's TNA? and the WWECW Title was never a World Title)
- I would have marked out to Christian's title win...If Edge hadn't retired. This may have been for the status Quo considering Del Rio's move to Raw, but this whole thing reminded me of Rey Mysterio's first reign as World Champion...which was initiated by the passing of Eddie Guerrero. To me this will taint Christian's title win, and i feel like his reign will be short although secretly i hope it isnt. I have never been a huge fan of Christian, but much like Kane, deserves at least one run longer than 24 hours....And i don't care for Kane either.
- John Cena vs The Miz vs John Morrison...In a Steel Cage...Why? The whole concept of it being a cage match was abruptly announced on an Episode of Raw as a throwaway line of dialogue during an opening promo. Then there was the original lineup for this match, instead of John Morrison it was supposed to be R-Truth. In my opinion, neither of which deserve to be in the ring with The Miz and John Cena. R-Truth ruined his Niche by turning heel, he was a marginal midcard guy at best, and John Morrison...Well he has the ability, but now is not the time, and there was no build up. But nevermind the participants, why was this match in a cage? None of the Wrestlers in the match were running from each other to warrant the need to keep them together in a cage. Thankfully the match ended by pinfall, which brings me to my next point
- The Idea of the Cage match is officially lost, it's a novelty not an end game. Not the way it use to be back when Tully and Magnum did it. The cage is suppose to be a solution to put two guys who have been feuding together for a long period of time in a position where a "Winner needs to be determined". For all the readers of this blog, how do you win a cage match? or better yet, what's the first means of winning a cage match that jumps to mind when you read my first question? the answer commonly said...Exiting the Cage. And this is where i check out. The Idea of the cage is to keep people in to settle a score, and a winner can be determined by deciding who could run away faster? Seems Stupid to me...Should be rethought.
- Awesome "Kharma" Kong made her debut at the ppv to Implant Bust Michelle McCool and send her on her way, and then she leveled Maryse on Raw sending the IWC on rants of "Is she a babyface"...She'd better well not be. The only way to book Kong is to have her eat every small diva on the roster until she meets up with Beth Phoenix. there aren't alot of Dream Matches involving Women, but this is one of them and they need to do the slow burn on this one. However my prediction was that they will burn this bridge when they make Kharma's first feud with Beth Phoenix...
- I thought John Cena Won the Title last night, but he got bumped for a Birthday Party? I'm reminded of when young kids chanted "He-Man" at the ghostbusters in the beginning of Ghostbusters 2.
- Can anyone else see that Zack Ryder is this Generation's Doink the Clown? A joke of a character who got a following. Alot of people will say Santino Marella is in the same position...this isn't true, when spring cleaning comes...Who would you be more worried about losing their job?
- Cm Punk vs Randy Orton...Great Outing...Same Old Shit. Two Guys Killing each other to Jerk the Curtain.
And now for Some Superlatives
-Destined to be Future Endeavored this Spring: Tyler Recks
-The Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Too Late Award: Mark Henry
-The "Magic of Editing Award": Sin Cara
-Destined to be a Future Main Eventer: Cody Rhodes
-Most Likely to be Rocketed Away from the Main Event after a Push: Christian
-Should Retire Immediately Award: Kane
Well Anyway that's it for this random rant, until another one comes floating by my cerebral cortex, keep your knees to the ground and keep reaching for your junk.
Todd Graham
Owner, Writer, and Editor of Project Zero Wrestling (
Writer's Note: It was brought to my Attention that i was incorrect about the Christian Fact, Jeff Hardy was actually the first 6 Star champion, forgot he held the European title. Not only that but Jeff even won both Top titles as well. So my Bad.
Tonight my thoughts are purely WWE related coming off of "Extreme Rules" and an episode of "Monday Night Raw"
Let the Running off at the mouth begin...
- As Predicted the Status Quo has been upheld with Kofi Kingston's winning of the United States title from Sheamus bringing the title back to Raw, and Christian defeating recently drafted to Raw, Alberto Del Rio.
- Christian's World Title win finally grants him the distinction that no other wrestler in the WWE holds, 6 Star Champion. Alot of people are familiar with "The Triple Crown" or "The Grandslam" when it comes to multiple title holders, but Christian is in a class all to his own having been WWE Light Weight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, WWE European Champion, WWE Intercontinental Champion, WWE Hardcore Champion, and Now has possessed a WWE Recognized World Title (This of course does not count the TNA World Title because...What's TNA? and the WWECW Title was never a World Title)
- I would have marked out to Christian's title win...If Edge hadn't retired. This may have been for the status Quo considering Del Rio's move to Raw, but this whole thing reminded me of Rey Mysterio's first reign as World Champion...which was initiated by the passing of Eddie Guerrero. To me this will taint Christian's title win, and i feel like his reign will be short although secretly i hope it isnt. I have never been a huge fan of Christian, but much like Kane, deserves at least one run longer than 24 hours....And i don't care for Kane either.
- John Cena vs The Miz vs John Morrison...In a Steel Cage...Why? The whole concept of it being a cage match was abruptly announced on an Episode of Raw as a throwaway line of dialogue during an opening promo. Then there was the original lineup for this match, instead of John Morrison it was supposed to be R-Truth. In my opinion, neither of which deserve to be in the ring with The Miz and John Cena. R-Truth ruined his Niche by turning heel, he was a marginal midcard guy at best, and John Morrison...Well he has the ability, but now is not the time, and there was no build up. But nevermind the participants, why was this match in a cage? None of the Wrestlers in the match were running from each other to warrant the need to keep them together in a cage. Thankfully the match ended by pinfall, which brings me to my next point
- The Idea of the Cage match is officially lost, it's a novelty not an end game. Not the way it use to be back when Tully and Magnum did it. The cage is suppose to be a solution to put two guys who have been feuding together for a long period of time in a position where a "Winner needs to be determined". For all the readers of this blog, how do you win a cage match? or better yet, what's the first means of winning a cage match that jumps to mind when you read my first question? the answer commonly said...Exiting the Cage. And this is where i check out. The Idea of the cage is to keep people in to settle a score, and a winner can be determined by deciding who could run away faster? Seems Stupid to me...Should be rethought.
- Awesome "Kharma" Kong made her debut at the ppv to Implant Bust Michelle McCool and send her on her way, and then she leveled Maryse on Raw sending the IWC on rants of "Is she a babyface"...She'd better well not be. The only way to book Kong is to have her eat every small diva on the roster until she meets up with Beth Phoenix. there aren't alot of Dream Matches involving Women, but this is one of them and they need to do the slow burn on this one. However my prediction was that they will burn this bridge when they make Kharma's first feud with Beth Phoenix...
- I thought John Cena Won the Title last night, but he got bumped for a Birthday Party? I'm reminded of when young kids chanted "He-Man" at the ghostbusters in the beginning of Ghostbusters 2.
- Can anyone else see that Zack Ryder is this Generation's Doink the Clown? A joke of a character who got a following. Alot of people will say Santino Marella is in the same position...this isn't true, when spring cleaning comes...Who would you be more worried about losing their job?
- Cm Punk vs Randy Orton...Great Outing...Same Old Shit. Two Guys Killing each other to Jerk the Curtain.
And now for Some Superlatives
-Destined to be Future Endeavored this Spring: Tyler Recks
-The Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Too Late Award: Mark Henry
-The "Magic of Editing Award": Sin Cara
-Destined to be a Future Main Eventer: Cody Rhodes
-Most Likely to be Rocketed Away from the Main Event after a Push: Christian
-Should Retire Immediately Award: Kane
Well Anyway that's it for this random rant, until another one comes floating by my cerebral cortex, keep your knees to the ground and keep reaching for your junk.
Todd Graham
Owner, Writer, and Editor of Project Zero Wrestling (
Writer's Note: It was brought to my Attention that i was incorrect about the Christian Fact, Jeff Hardy was actually the first 6 Star champion, forgot he held the European title. Not only that but Jeff even won both Top titles as well. So my Bad.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Introduction to the blog (better late than never)
Creatively, I have been asleep for some time now; tired of the same questions and frustrated with the same answers, I retreated within myself, tucked away from the world’s unrelenting gaze. I forgot that feeling of accomplishment, that feeling of blind confidence in myself that can make me capable of doing great things, and instead settled for things in neutral. I grew fearful of taking chances. This is not what life is supposed to be and I am capable of so much more. It is time for me to slip the chains of my protective slumber off and start building something that I can once again be proud of.
I've wanted to start a blog for quite sometime. I never did for fear it would not go anywhere. I will never know unless I try, so here we are! I wanted to do something different though. I want this to appeal to hardcore fans and casual fans of Pro Wrestling, MMA, Sci-Fi, Games and Comics. Too often, I go to various web sites and hardcore fans will get on someones case for being a "noob" or "not a real fan" just because they casually follow something. I see the reverse when casual viewers mock hardcore fans for being vocal about their passion. This is a place where both are welcome and both are equal. Opinions will be posted on the aforementioned topics along with videos and podcasts. I have some great friends who will contribute to this blog and introduce themselves in time.
- Atlee Greene
Former professional wrestler and promoter in the New England area. Covers pro wrestling and mixed martial arts for Associates degree in Criminal Justice
Sunday, May 1, 2011
NCW Aftermath RESULTS 4/30/2011
Northeast Championship Wrestling returned to the Boys & Girls Club in Brockton MA on April 30th for the Aftermath of NCW's 14 Year Reunion.
Venue: Boys & Girls Club
Ring Announcer: Shane Daly
Referees: Red Roche & Chris Dinapoli
1. Tag Team Match
The Minutemen ["Terrific" Tommy & "Delicious" Devin] vs. Project: Lethal [Rob "the Giant" Arujo & Kevin Cordeiro]
Rob "the Giant" picked up the win for Project: Lethal when he pinned "Terrific" Tommy after he fell victim to a Reverse STO/Codebreaker double team.
Before Shane Daly could announce the next match, he was interupted by MTE and Tim Kilgore. MTE went on a rant about how no one out back wanted to fight him in Brockton. However, he was proved wrong when Pacifico's music began to play.
2. Singles Match
Michael Tootsie Esquire (MTE) (175 lbs, Seekonk MA) w/ "The Anti-Social Anarchist" Tim Kilgore vs. Richard Pacifico (243 lbs, Snake Hill NY)
MTE rolls up Pacifico for the win.
After the match, Tim Kilgore's opponent for the evening arrived on the scene, Anthony Stone. Commissioner Livsley ordered Pacifico and MTE to the back, and the match began.
3. Singles Match
Tim Kilgore (195 lbs, Salem MA) vs. Anthony Stone (172 lbs, New Bedford MA)
Anthony Stone pinned Tim Kilgore after he hit him with a pair of flying knees from the top rope.
At the beginning of the night, it was announced that the fans could vote on a contender to face NCW New England Champion, "The Showoff" Mike Paiva, for his title later in the evening. While the first three matches were going on, the votes were tallied and a winner was declared. Eddie Loomis, the 2010 NCW Rookie of the Year, would be getting a New England title match.
4. Singles Match
David Marxxx-Loomis (205 lbs, The Marxxx Household) vs. "The Juice" JT Dunn (180 lbs, Detroit MI) w/ The Luscious Latasha
JT Dunn upset the former NCW Heavyweight Champion, pinning him after a shining wizard kick to the head.
5. Six-man Tag Team Match
The Granite State Wrecking Crew ["The Unequaled One" Todd Sople & "The Granite State Destroyer" Gunar Rowe] & El Loco Mexicano vs. NCW Tag Team Champions Generation SLAM ["Dynamic" Jon Thornhill & "The Average Guy" Timothy Pittman w/ Amber] & representing Destruction Under Impact - "Impact" William Thorne
Generation SLAM and Thorne fell victim to a miscommunication during the final moments of the match. This led to Pittman being on the losing end of a bridging german suplex from Gunar Rowe. After their loss, Generation SLAM's Jon Thornhill got into a brief argument with Thorne before DUI's big man left the ring.
6. No Disqualifications Match
Jack Krueger (196 lbs, Schillar Park CT) vs. Cam Denile (205 lbs, Schillar Park CT)
Krueger came out carrying a steel chair and a plan. He hid next to the entryway and waited for his prey. As Cam Denile made his entrance, his former friend attacked him with the chair. Cam tried making a comeback, but was soon finished off following a double-arm DDT to the steel chair.
7. NCW New England Championship
(c) "The Showoff" Mike Paiva (165 lbs, "The City of Champions" Brockton MA) vs. Eddie Loomis (150 lbs, Plainfield CT
Eddie Loomis held his own with the longest reining NCW New England Champion before Paiva was able to cheat his way to victory. Eddie went for a sunset flip pin, Paiva dropped down on to him and proceeded to grab the ropes. This went unnoticed by the ref, who made the 3-count and awarded the Showoff the match.
8. 3rd Match in a Best of 7 Series
Buddy Romano (185 lbs, Warwick RI) vs. "Dynamite" Doug Summers (201 lbs, Panic PA)
Coming in to this match, both men were tied at one victory a piece in their best of 7 series. Doug Summers caught Buddy Romano's attempted sunset flip making the score 2-1 Doug Summers.
9. NCW Heavyweight Championship
"Simply the Best" GA West (88 kg, Manhattan NY) vs. (c) "The Portuguese Sensation" Ruy Batello (330 lbs, Lisbon Portugal)
Ruy Batello retained the championship after reversing one of West's high-flying moves into a sitdown powerbomb.
Venue: Boys & Girls Club
Ring Announcer: Shane Daly
Referees: Red Roche & Chris Dinapoli
1. Tag Team Match
The Minutemen ["Terrific" Tommy & "Delicious" Devin] vs. Project: Lethal [Rob "the Giant" Arujo & Kevin Cordeiro]
Rob "the Giant" picked up the win for Project: Lethal when he pinned "Terrific" Tommy after he fell victim to a Reverse STO/Codebreaker double team.
Before Shane Daly could announce the next match, he was interupted by MTE and Tim Kilgore. MTE went on a rant about how no one out back wanted to fight him in Brockton. However, he was proved wrong when Pacifico's music began to play.
2. Singles Match
Michael Tootsie Esquire (MTE) (175 lbs, Seekonk MA) w/ "The Anti-Social Anarchist" Tim Kilgore vs. Richard Pacifico (243 lbs, Snake Hill NY)
MTE rolls up Pacifico for the win.
After the match, Tim Kilgore's opponent for the evening arrived on the scene, Anthony Stone. Commissioner Livsley ordered Pacifico and MTE to the back, and the match began.
3. Singles Match
Tim Kilgore (195 lbs, Salem MA) vs. Anthony Stone (172 lbs, New Bedford MA)
Anthony Stone pinned Tim Kilgore after he hit him with a pair of flying knees from the top rope.
At the beginning of the night, it was announced that the fans could vote on a contender to face NCW New England Champion, "The Showoff" Mike Paiva, for his title later in the evening. While the first three matches were going on, the votes were tallied and a winner was declared. Eddie Loomis, the 2010 NCW Rookie of the Year, would be getting a New England title match.
4. Singles Match
David Marxxx-Loomis (205 lbs, The Marxxx Household) vs. "The Juice" JT Dunn (180 lbs, Detroit MI) w/ The Luscious Latasha
JT Dunn upset the former NCW Heavyweight Champion, pinning him after a shining wizard kick to the head.
5. Six-man Tag Team Match
The Granite State Wrecking Crew ["The Unequaled One" Todd Sople & "The Granite State Destroyer" Gunar Rowe] & El Loco Mexicano vs. NCW Tag Team Champions Generation SLAM ["Dynamic" Jon Thornhill & "The Average Guy" Timothy Pittman w/ Amber] & representing Destruction Under Impact - "Impact" William Thorne
Generation SLAM and Thorne fell victim to a miscommunication during the final moments of the match. This led to Pittman being on the losing end of a bridging german suplex from Gunar Rowe. After their loss, Generation SLAM's Jon Thornhill got into a brief argument with Thorne before DUI's big man left the ring.
6. No Disqualifications Match
Jack Krueger (196 lbs, Schillar Park CT) vs. Cam Denile (205 lbs, Schillar Park CT)
Krueger came out carrying a steel chair and a plan. He hid next to the entryway and waited for his prey. As Cam Denile made his entrance, his former friend attacked him with the chair. Cam tried making a comeback, but was soon finished off following a double-arm DDT to the steel chair.
7. NCW New England Championship
(c) "The Showoff" Mike Paiva (165 lbs, "The City of Champions" Brockton MA) vs. Eddie Loomis (150 lbs, Plainfield CT
Eddie Loomis held his own with the longest reining NCW New England Champion before Paiva was able to cheat his way to victory. Eddie went for a sunset flip pin, Paiva dropped down on to him and proceeded to grab the ropes. This went unnoticed by the ref, who made the 3-count and awarded the Showoff the match.
8. 3rd Match in a Best of 7 Series
Buddy Romano (185 lbs, Warwick RI) vs. "Dynamite" Doug Summers (201 lbs, Panic PA)
Coming in to this match, both men were tied at one victory a piece in their best of 7 series. Doug Summers caught Buddy Romano's attempted sunset flip making the score 2-1 Doug Summers.
9. NCW Heavyweight Championship
"Simply the Best" GA West (88 kg, Manhattan NY) vs. (c) "The Portuguese Sensation" Ruy Batello (330 lbs, Lisbon Portugal)
Ruy Batello retained the championship after reversing one of West's high-flying moves into a sitdown powerbomb.
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